Breaking News: Burnley To Sign Alliance With…

As Chairman Alan Pace presents his transfer plans, Charlie Adam’s position in the Dundee and Burnley alliance is disclosed.


Alan Pace believes Burnley may sign some of Scotland’s best players thanks to their partnership with Dundee, which is a win-win situation.

Dara Costelloe and Owen Dodgson were previously loaned to Dens, but this week the Clarets formally announced their strategic alliance with the Dark Blues.

The link-up might provide Burnley with an advantage over their opponents, according to chairman Pace, who believes his team has missed out on several Scottish transfer targets.

“We always look at Scotland,” he remarked. It was made clear to us early on that not all players fit in well in England, so Scotland was a market worth looking into.

The recruitment of players from Scotland hasn’t gone as well as we’d hoped thus far.

It appears that some have been able to move the people we have liked to better places.

We can maybe reach the players we target sooner by being nearby.

Although Charlie Adam was the one who connected the two clubs, they are both owned by Americans.

Before moving to Fleetwood, the former Dundee player connected with Burnley as a loan manager.

It started when he loaned Marcel Lewis away for this season.

Charlie was in charge of our loans, so that’s how the lending side got started, according to Pace.

This is how we first became acquainted with Dundee. Charlie proposed that we have a meeting with their American owners.

“We had no idea who they were, but we started off together after I got to know John (Nelms).”

And we had the opportunity to meet and converse with members of the club during our summer loan to Dundee.

We realized how much the guys thought and spoke like us.

More talks between the two of us resulted from it; one thing led to another, and that is where we are at the moment.

According to the Premier League chairman, both clubs will benefit from it.

“First and foremost, the level up there is very high,” stated Pace.

This isn’t like us lending a helping hand to someone.

“We enjoy the level.” Compared to certain English lower league levels, it is better.

We think Dundee is great, and we like it where it is. We want to follow this to see where it goes.

There are a handful that we missed, but I would rather not identify them.

“Are coaching exchanges possible? exchanges for scouting? Exist any opportunities? Our procedures are data-driven. Can you use them in Scotland?

In order to explore whether we can cast a larger net and discover and nurture talent, it is really a shared experience that is also an attempt to broaden our network.

Dodgson and Costelloe have been called up by Burnley, and Michael Mellon, a striker, may yet join them.

“It’s better when you can send two or three players to the same club,” Pace said, elucidating the logic.

Their connection and relationship can continue when they are together.

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