Alabama Head Coach Kalen DeBoer Discusses A-Day Preparations and Roster Depth Ahead of Spring Game

Complete transcript of the head coach of the Crimson Tide speaking before Alabama’s A-Day match.

Before Saturday’s A-Day game, on Thursday night, following the Crimson Tide’s fourteenth and last spring practice, Alabama head coach Kalen DeBoer addressed the media. This is what he had to say:

Complete Transcript: 11 April 2024

introductory remarks Excellent drills conducted today. Practice 14, the day before or the practice before the spring game, a lot of times a low-key session, and possibly a couple situational things that you’re working on are the locations I’ve gone to. Even just helmets and spiders sometimes. However, our soldiers went in with shells and did the job. We worked hard for a few hours, practicing in its entirety. Really nice stuff by our men, obviously not tackling in shells. rivalry. I was able to mix things up a little bit by playing twos against one and one against twos. The interesting thing is that both of them are skilled players who wanted to show off how far they’ve come. They performed some excellent drills today. and fiercely competitive in every way. We usually do ones versus ones and twos versus twos during practice, but overall, it was a nice day.

“Offense versus defense will be the format of the spring game. There won’t be any split teams. For a few reasons: No. 1, which I prefer to think of as practice No. 15. There will be a lot of scrimmaging, but it’s an opportunity for us to improve. This is our opportunity to move forward. An opportunity for us to assess as well. Thus, make an effort to truly understand the fundamentals of playing football. It allows us to savor the moment with the audience and truly celebrate what we’re doing and where we are. I’m thrilled to see the stadium full of people, and I hope that everyone will come support our initiative.

On the largest growing patch he has observed this spring,.

“I believe it’s simply the competitive endurance that we have demonstrated.” It is simple to go away from Practice 1 and return after your spring break. However, for us to just keep going, that’s kind of like what I stated early on when I first came here, and the boys chose to stick with it, get through it, and have faith in this area. But they’ve just kept working, and I think I kind of hit on that today when I came in with an opening because I found that to be really impressive.

“There’s nothing to coast into in the final 48 hours before Saturday. They came out here, went to work, asked for one more drive, wanted to keep playing ball, and all that type of stuff. All they’re doing is relishing the step and the process. Therefore, I believe that competitive stamina means only keeping improving and concentrating on the appropriate things.

If he’s found any areas where Alabama may benefit from more depth,

Indeed, if you simply look at our roster and see the scholarship numbers—I know you all keep track of that—I would argue that the defensive backfield is definitely lacking one or two players. Line of attack, we’re probably lacking a guy. based only on the usual numbers that you would observe and our desired outcome. Thus, we’ll examine and assess, and who knows? We could be surprised by a few players on our roster as well. All we need to do is stay flexible, be prepared to change course, and keep an eye out for new opportunities when they present themselves.

Regarding the availability of Parker Brailsford for the A-Day Game…

Given the little work he has had this spring, I wouldn’t anticipate him playing right now. He also skipped practice today. I wouldn’t expose him to that situation. However, he will join us here as soon as possible for the routine exercises. He is taking every necessary step to ensure that he is prepared to depart.

Regarding striking a balance between traditions…

“I’m giggling because I made the embarrassing mistake of calling the steak meal “beenies and weenies” when I mentioned it to the guys. We laughed a good bit, of course, out on the field. The guys talk about a few customs that they feel strongly about and that have been significant. Some of those things that may not have come up yet are still things I’m learning. Because it has been a part of the program for a long time, you are still learning some of the very amazing things that these men find significant.”

Concerning the roster’s buy-in…

“I believe that it’s still a process, so I believe that ‘buying in’ is the proper term to use. ‘Hey, have they bought in?’ was the inquiry that someone asked me on several occasions. Not in my opinion; I know we haven’t arrived at that stage yet. We’re in a good place, and I appreciate their attitude and the effort they’re making to support our efforts. However, the entire piece—the current adventure we’re on—is all about the process. They seem to be buying in, I think. However, you’re speaking of roughly 100–120 participants. Certain guys, whether it’s because of the strategies we run or something entirely different, like the depth chart, are undoubtedly still attempting to make sense of it all and their place in it. Overall, I’m really happy with the team as a whole, both sides of the ball, and every phase. I believe that many guys have just followed along, but there have been certain leaders who have done an excellent job of sticking with it, particularly in the early going in January and February. I believe it’s been excellent. Our players are enjoying that as we educate them on the game and they understand what we want them to do in all parts of our team—the staff is getting to know the guys and really focusing on the connections.”

“I suppose the only thing I could convey to them would be about the approaching portal date. All that would need to happen is for us to move forward, concentrate on ourselves and our group, get better on Saturday, and take pleasure in the excitement and fanfare that accompany A-Day.”

On the perfect attributes for an X-receiver…

“We want all of our players to be extremely adaptable. Thus, an X-receiver is often perceived as an outsider; at least that’s how I know we think of him. For us, having that man you can isolate on a one-on-one basis for individual routes on the backside of a 3×1 formation would be ideal. A player with the ability to take the ball off the hoop is a valuable asset to our offense. If he possesses the necessary talents, he can move inside and fill the slot. Our staff can shift guys around, play to their strengths, and figure out how to get those matches thanks to our system. Each receiver, in my opinion, is sort of assigned to a place that we refer to as the H, X, and Z. However, there comes a point and time when we simply must place them in the appropriate places, particularly during crucial situations and when we must pass the ball to specific players in order to convert third downs, score in the red zone, or at any other such instances.”

Regarding contributions from employees this spring…

Excellent query. There are, I believe, two things. They’re merely keeping up their excellent work of pushing their ball sizes and position groups. Maintaining the adjustment. We need a push, but there are also times during the spring when you need to take a step back, perhaps even a day, and try to re-run or reload some plays in a practice to keep working on them longer than you had originally planned. These folks had run these concepts several times before we arrived, so they are familiar with some of them.

“And some might be somewhat altered, modified a little, or something entirely different.

“So we make adjustments, and I think the team has done a fantastic job of striking a balance, applying the brakes, and fostering partnerships. They have intense rivalries. When that moment arrives, they enjoy jabbing each other on opposite sides of the ball. Today, I saw it once more. I believe that our players pick up on the competitiveness that coexists with the spirit of living in the present when they witness it.

Furthermore, it occurs off the field as well as on it. Whenever we’re together, it’s in the meeting rooms and offices.”

If he still enjoys spring football to the same extent, given how much the roster can fluctuate because of the portal,.

“Oh yeah, that’s exactly how I feel. Many people are still getting their reps, and we absolutely need our install. Kane is doing a lot more, if not more, than I recall from his install a few years ago, which I remember. It’s full steam ahead, offensively. Yes, I believe the men did a fantastic job. We haven’t truly strayed, in my opinion. And it most certainly wouldn’t be because we’re considering potential uses for the portal.

Regarding the position groupings that have most impressed him…

“I believe that being impressed would likely have something to do with how you felt about yourself when you were perhaps a little younger. And somewhat impressed by a few things, am I right? You expect veterans on the ballside or in position groups to go out there and finish the job. Therefore, I think that some of the defensive line moves that are being made up front are pretty good. However, I also believe that some young guys have developed defensive skills. Considering how old and how young they are, I’m pleased with some individual play. It seems to me that we have a good group of running backs that are very reliable.

Releasing Washington running back Tybo Rogers for the CFP…

“After that, we’d just use as many quarterbacks as you would feel comfortable starting in a football game, sort of picking two on each side. Really, all four of them. They are quite sturdy. performing admirably in terms of accuracy, readings, and competitiveness. Simply picking things up every single day—that’s what I mean. That team has performed exceptionally well all around, without going so far as to say top to bottom.”

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